Dark pools are private securities exchanges in which investors, typically institutions, are able to make trades anonymously. Although you might not be able to participate in such trades, tracking them can be very helpful in understanding market sentiments.
Using QOG Dark Pool tools is very similar to using option tools. They have similar functions and similar UI, just that the underlying data is changed from option orders to dark pool trades. Unlike option orders, dark pool trades don't have a "type" (CALL / PUT), neither does it have a direction (buy / sell). In other words, we know that a trade happened, but we can't tell if any party is more eager to buy or sell.
Dark Pool Flow
Similar to option flow, but please note that all dark pool data has a 15 minute reporting delay, and therefore alerts and push notifications are not supported.
Dark Pool Snapshot
Similar to option snapshot, but please note due to dark pool trades don't have a "type", we only show one chart here instead of two.
Dark Pool Query
Similar to option query.
Dark Pool Statistic
Similar to option statistic.

使用 QOG 暗池工具与使用期权工具非常相似。它们具有相似的功能和相似的用户界面,只是它的基础数据从期权订单变成了暗池交易。与期权订单不同,暗池交易没有 "类型"(CALL/PUT),也没有方向(买入/卖出)。换句话说,我们知道一个交易发生了,而无法知道哪一方更积极地想买/卖。
类似于期权推送,但请注意所有暗池数据都有 15 分钟的报告延迟,也因此不支持预警和推送通知。
类似于期权日报,但请注意由于暗池交易没有 "类型",我们在这里只显示一张图表,而不是两张。